Mio Hashimoto: Animal Sculptures
- November 14 -
February 25,2018
Mio Hashimoto(1980- ) is sculptor who creates various kinds of animal sculptures by wood carving. This exhibiton is one of the biggest shows of the artist. It shows 54 sculptures, 275 very-small-size sculptures and 36 drawings by Hashimoto. During the term, we offer gallery talk and workshop of wood carving by the artist.
Yamazaki Mazak Collection
- August 31 -
November 19,2017
The collection of The Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Arts is composed of artworks from the Old Masters of the French Rococo period, Romanticism, Neo-Classicism , Realism, Impressionism, the Ecole de Paris, and others. Visitors are presented a timeline of French art which encompasses 300 years, from the 18th to the 20th century.
History of costume from the late 17 century to early 20 century in France
- April 22 -
August 27,2017
Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Art The exhibition titled “History of costume from the late 17 century to early 20 century in France”shows masterpieces of French paintinigs with very historical dress costumes and others such as fashon plates, fashion books, powder boxes, fans, accessories etc...along with the French history from Louis XIV dinasty, Rococo, Neo-Classicism, Romanticism, Impressionism to Art Nouveau. In addition we are plannning many events such as music concetrs, art lectures, etc,,, for providing people the fascination of culture in France and Europe.
Yamazaki Mazak Collection
- March 02 -
April 16,2017
The collection of The Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Arts is composed of artworks from the Old Masters of the French Rococo period, Romanticism, Neo-Classicism , Realism, Impressionism, the Ecole de Paris, and others. Visitors are presented a timeline of French art which encompasses 300 years, from the 18th to the 20th century.