Sacred Scenery from Renaissance to Rouault
- November 20 -
February 28,2016

Christianity is one of the most important and basic part of European art. Many scenes of the Bible and Many saints have been dipicted since the birth of Christianity.
This exhibition of religious works from Renaissance to Rouault features 53 paintings, copperplate prints and wooden relief from the collections of Okazaki Mindscape Museum of Art and Mie Prefectural Museum of Art.
Yamazaki Mazak Collection
- September 03 -
November 15,2015

The Tease
The collection of The Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Arts is composed of artworks from the Old Masters of the French Rococo period, Romanticism, Neo-Classicism , Realism, Impressionism, the Ecole de Paris, and others. Visitors are presented a timeline of French art which encompasses 300 years, from the 18th to the 20th century.
Kozan Miyagawa and Art Nouveau - The World-Challangin Beauty of Meiji Period -
- April 25 -
August 30,2015

Kozan Miyagawa (1842-1916)
《Pair of Vases with Hawks Design in High Relief》 Early Meiji,
Collected by Hiroshi Yamamoto, Director of MIyagwa Kozan Makuzu Museum, Yokohama
Yamazaki Mazak Collection
- February 19 -
April 19,2014

The Love Letter
The collection of The Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Arts is composed of artworks from the Old Masters of the French Rococo period, Romanticism, Neo-Classicism , Realism, Impressionism, the Ecole de Paris, and others. Visitors are presented a timeline of French art which encompasses 300 years, from the 18th to the 20th century.