Project of Shepherd in Nagoya
- November 14 -
February 15,2015

The Project of Shepherd is an art work by an artist Inoue Shinta. He creates depictions of creature on two-dimensional panels and installs them in public spaces so that they appear to be grazing. Some of the locations include the forest and in the city. This art is created as enhanced two dimensional picture. Inoue seeks new possibilities of two dimensional painting formulation through the session with the panel, space and people. This grazing causes communication between the people and the space, and such encounter influence to the space and the expression of the project. While the process with these accidental transformation we can see something decisive moments consecutively, this is the real thrill of this art project. Since 1998, this project had been started until now installed many places not only in Japan but also in overseas with many people’s watching over.
Yamazaki Mazak Collection
- September 27 -
November 09,2014

The Love Letter
The collection of The Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Arts is composed of artworks from the Old Masters of the French Rococo period, Romanticism, Neo-Classicism , Realism, Impressionism, the Ecole de Paris, and others. Visitors are presented a timeline of French art which encompasses 300 years, from the 18th to the 20th century.
Paul Delvaux and Modern Belgian Art
- June 14 -
September 23,2014

60 years ago, the Belgian artist Paul Delvaux created mural paintings in the drawing room of the Pērier House which was the residence of then CEO of Belgium Airlines, Gilbert Pērier. After Pērier’s death, the residence fell into another’s hand, and the doors were sold, and now, ”Two Women” is part of the collection at the Yamazaki Mazak Museum, and “Standing woman”, “Procession of Maidens”, and “Goddesses” are all 3 part of the collection at Himeji City Museum of Art.
In this exhibition four paintings are exhibited together in homage to the drawing room of the Pērier House, with the recreation of its distinctive checkered pattern of the floor and the ornaments around each door. And with the assistance of Himeji City Museum of Art we are able to show other 43 works by Delvaux and masters of 19-20 century Belgian art such as Khnopff, Ensor, Magritte and so on.
In this exhibition, which commemorates the fourth anniversary of the opening of the YamazakiMazakMuseum, we explore the appeal of various Modern Belgian artworks, alongside Rococo paintings in the permanent collection.
Yamazaki Mazak Collection
- April 02 -
June 06,2014

Yamazaki Mazak Collection April 2 - June 6, 2014 The collection of The Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Arts is composed of artworks from the Old Masters of the French Rococo period, Romanticism, Neo-Classicism , Realism, Impressionism, the Ecole de Paris, and others. Visitors are presented a timeline of French art which encompasses 300 years, from the 18th to the 20th century.
Moving Pictures" Mayuko Kanazawa
- January 05 -
March 30,2014

Media art (interactive)
IR LED lighting, Camera with IR-pass filter, Small pocket projector, Humidifier, PC, Fan, Object
H100 x W 100 x D100cm
Technical Cooperation: Masataka Imura(Ph.D / Associate pforessor of Osaka University, Computer Science)